Thanks to all who came to YQ!!! Most of us are sick or have been from this weekend. I want to review a bit of the happenings on the weekend with everyone who came and to update those who didn't.
Let's start with AJ's beautiful Outfit

Joking. But, in honesty it was pretty cool to see him cry over the work God had done over the weekend.
Let's talk Grant Fishbook and the amazing messages that were uttered speedily.
Honestly, he was a fast talker and at times difficult to keep up with. Besides criticizing his form, let's look at the message. First, know that all his messages will be on Briercrest's website, under podcasts, very soon!

The first two message had everything to do with Identity. The idea that, in Christ we have a new identity. Just like God changed Jacob's name from the trickster to wrestles with God and overcomes! God names him Israel! That man, a man who was so corrupt and sick with sin was transformed by God to give birth to the great nation of Isreal. His name bore the name of an entire nation. When we come to God, repenting of our sin, God gives us a new identity. He makes us new beings. God names us (here I can picture Grant's thumbs up as he numbers them) "My Child," and a few others that slip my mind. Can you help me out? What are some names God gives us?
In finding this new identity we have to throw our current identity to God and pick up the new one, like Moses threw his identity in his staff to the ground and picked up his new one, trusting in God that the snake would not bite him. What are the implications of this you may ask?
YOU ARE NOT YOUR OWN. We try to rule our lives the best we can but in reality we belong to God. His blood has paid for us and he gives us our new identity and life (1 Cor 6). I dare you to read that chapter and see for yourselves. And see how good it is that we are not our own. This is not a tragedy, but a blessing. Check it out.
Hi Brandon! The YQ main sessions and youth worker sessions are on the Briercrest website now. (www.briercrest.ca/bcast)
ReplyDeleteThanks Luke!