Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Christmas Blessing

As life moves forward I notice my last post was in November. You can tell that the Christmas season really takes a toll on you.
As you read this I want it to be more of a prayer of blessing over you as you celebrate family, food, friends, and whatever else Christmas brings.

May you richly enjoy the provisions of the Lord
And Celebrate all He has given.
May you also focus on Christ
In His humble act.
May God lavish on you peace and love
Through the joy of His Son
May you look to Him as Life and for life.

John 10

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I imagine that I will title many Blogs "LIFE" over the course of this blog,. but for good reason. It is a necessity to focus on the wrath of God and the pain in this world, but only when leading to the life that God has promised and gives today. The flip side is also true. Life is so much more beautiful when viewed in light of God's wrath and the suffering of this world. It is at this point where we do more than quote scripture, we proclaim "Jesus is life!" Just as Jesus did not end with death, but was resurrected to life on the third day so we have a resurrection to hope in.

Though we were objects of wrath, because of God's love, we are made ALIVE with Christ. This life brings us to the heavenly realms with Christ. Notice we are "made" alive. Two things: 1) It is not by our own power. 2) It has been done and is happening. "For by one sacrifice he has made perfect those who are being made holy" Hebrews 10:14.

Discover the Life with Christ. It fulfills, it completes, it makes us perfect in Christ. Living by our own nature causes death. Our world causes death, whereas our God regenerates and creates life. All Glory and honour belongs to Him who alone is immortal and gives immortality.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Remember What We Forget

Remembrance day is a time of reflection. For most, it's a day where we give honour to soldiers past and present. For others, it is also a day to remember our mistakes as to not repeat them. But yet, what else are we forgetting?

In the book of Revelation, the church in Ephesus forgot something that we often forget. Here is Revelation 2:1-7:

1 “To the angel of the church in Ephesus write:

These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands. 2 I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. 3 You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary.

4 Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken [your first love (NASB)] 5 Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. 6 But you have this in your favor: You hate the practices of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.

7 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.

Have we fell into the same trap as the Ephesians? Let's think of a few things:

First: The Ephesians were doing good! Expelling false doctrine, persevering through hardships and persecution. It sounds like a great church. Then why would they be called out on forgetting their first love? Are they, or better yet, are we not remembering our first love by memorizing scripture, reading scripture and holding everyone else to having right beliefs?? By believing what we believe is true even through the low points in life?

This is good stuff, but if its all we have then we too have forsaken our first love. We have forgotten that our hope does not lie in a belief or right doctrine but in our mighty king, Jesus, who is extending grace to us in awesome communion. Our hope is in our LIFE with Christ, not our right beliefs. Of course right beliefs fall under our life with and in Christ, but right beliefs never trump being with Christ.

Of course we could allegorize this passage since there are other things that replace our first love and that is fine. But, the problem the Ephesians had is also our problem.

Remembrance day is a time of reflection. For most, it's a day where we give honour to soldiers past and present. For others, it is also a day to remember our mistakes as to not repeat them. Just like the latter, let's remember the past mistakes of the church and not repeat them. Let's not forget our first love.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Trinitarian Essence of God

A quote from Stanley Grenz:

"Because throughout eternity and apart from the world the one God is love, the God who is love cannot but respond to the world in accordance to his own eternal essence, which is love. Thus, this essential characteristic of God likewise describes the way God interacts with his world. 'Love,' therefore, is not only the description of the eternal God in himself, it is likewise the fundamental characteristic of God in relationship with creation. With profound theological insight, therefore, John bursts forth, 'For God so loved the world that he gave . . .' (John 3:16)."
Theology for the Community of God, 72.

In preparation for preaching on the Trinity this quote screamed at me with all importance. Though Grenz had lots to say to build up to this point there are a few things to point at.

1) In discovering who our Trinitarian God is, we see that God in essence is the God we see active in this world. If we simply analyze God in who he is in himself then we forsake the very essence of God. But we must affirm what Grenz states: that God does not need us to exist. He exists in his essence of love before the creation of the world.

2) I wonder then, why did God create the world? If he was in and of himself complete in his community of love, why bother creating. Maybe the fullness or completeness of God overflows. If Love's purpose is to love someone else, is it not complete when it finds the other to love. Maybe not. Maybe the point of Love is to keep loving beyond. Maybe God's essence overflows. So God in overflowing Love creates the world.

3)Despite if that is true or not and since we know the world does in fact exist, Grenz points out that since God's essence is love, then God indeed interacts with his creation with love. God is love.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What's with the Trinity?

So I am preaching on the Trinity in the upcoming month and have been reading up in my books I have gathered over the years. Here are some valuable quotes when considering this intense doctrine:

"The Way God is revealed and experienced in history corresponds with the way in which God actually is" A.E. McGrath summarizing Karl Rahner

"The 'mystery of salvation' happens first; then we move on to formulate doctrines concerning it"
A.E. McGrath

Robert Jensen is not the most quotable guy but basically, The Title 'Father, Son, & Holy Spirit' is not just a means to understand the Trinity and his roles but revelations in scripture of who God is. His name is Father, Son & Holy Spirit.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Lasts and Firsts

Marriage . . . It takes a guy by storm and makes him have all kinds of emotions. The biggest reality check for me is lasts. Last Christmas was my last as "just me." Never again will a season or a week go by without a ring on my finger. I can't be called a bachelor and people give me lots of food because they have pity on my. Life is in a bit of a crisis.

This hasn't been all that bad though. It has caused me to value life in everything that its offering. Looking at life in a view of lasts is usually only what a dying man can attain. But maybe that's what marriage and dying have in common. It sounds funny but its very true in many ways. We die to our former way of life only to find ourselves in a new one. One that is foreign and potentially a bit awkward.

DOESN'T THIS SOUND FAMILIAR?? In thinking of this I am reminded of the Christian walk. When we follow Christ we abandon everything we once were to take on a new life! We are made new in Christ. In marriage we are made into a new creation too. We become one with our spouse. Wow. The mystery of godliness is great.

I wonder what will happen when I am married? Will I start thinking of firsts? That's my hope. I get to start life new. Fresh. a la commence. What a rare and sacred opportunity. One that we must not take lightly. Do we like who we will become in this new life. I know I do!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Mistaken Power

The whole earth is full of His glory. God's power and might maybe seen most in nature. On a recent trip to Jasper I encountered my first avalanche. Ok, so it didn't make it all the way down the mountain, but Edith Cavell made a stark and crisp rumble that startled most. As our eyes changed directions in an instant, snow was tumbling from the top of the mountain to a level below. The glacier caught it and stopped its rampage before taking its final leap onto a crowd of watching people.

Think about it. One can say that it is simply snow build up that gives way, but when taking in the roaring sound, the stunning optics, the adrenalin that filled each persons veins the only thing I can think of is this: God spoke and we all listened. He said, "Look at my power and my might."

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Gungor Takes a Leap.

Gungor is a christian/worship band from Colorado. Recently renamed from The Michael Gungor Band, these four artists are taking a leap in a different direction.

Their story is an attraction since it is one that has frustrated many Christians in the last ten years. It is a story of being in a mold and breaking out.

Their theology is concerned with the problem of limiting God's freedom. God is not limited to a building, a church, or even the Bible. Though that last statement must be taken with caution we must remember that God is greater than even the revelation He has given us in the Bible. Of course our heresy check does come from knowing and understanding the Bible.

Their music focuses on a Creator God who we can be involved with mixed with exalting Him as the holy God He is. For Gungor, God is alive and active in our world. Gungor understands God's active love that is a part of God's coming kingdom.

Overall, their repetitive nature is catchy and lyrics soundly challenging.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Who Follows the Rules??????

Today I have a question for you: What are Rules and Regulations for?

1 Timothy 3 gives a intensely high standard for Overseers and Deacons for how they should live. But in the end, Paul says this, "Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great." He labels godliness as a mystery. Didn't he just give us a list of what godliness looks like?

What then are these rules for if they do not meet the standard of godliness?
AND, What is godliness?

Thursday, July 22, 2010


In the midst of struggles, the greatest developments are born.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Gospel for all (not just me)

We are selfish.

We live in a world where we strive to attain the best for me. The problem is we do not even see it. We call it individualism. I Rule my own world.

We bring that into our Christianity. Its all about how "I" need to hear the gospel and how "I" go to church to get something out of it. I know we are poor sharers, just look at 2 three year olds in a room along with one toy. We are taught to share at a young age, but somewhere we learn not to share once again.

Maybe its when we earn our "OWN" allowance. Maybe getting "MY OWN" room. Or "MY" car. Or "MY" money... It's simply a "MY" life.

So next time we go to church watch for this. Why are you going? Besides your parents telling you to go. Is it so you can get something out of it? What about sharing the gospel to each other?
How can we share the gospel with each other as the Church? Even at church!?

Luke 10:25-37
Jesus presents a response to two challenging question. The questions were: What must I do to inherit eternal life? and since the response is to Love God and love your neighbour the man asked "Who is my Neighbor?

Jesus responds with the parable of the Good Samaritan. A man was beaten, robbed and left to die on the side of the road. Both a priest and a levite(a man of priestly descent) walked by. It was the Samaritan (a half blood, no good for nothing)(a man who no one would expect to help) who gave more than a lending hand. He saw the man back to restoration. The story ends with Jesus pointing out that this man was a true neighbor.

Jesus bypassed the question ,"Who is my neighbor?" and answered What it meant to be a neighbor. Instead of simply saying everyone is your neighbor, Jesus speaks of a good neighbor who loves the person in need.

Jesus states that this is the most important command: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and 'Love your neighbor as yourself."

Of course you love yourself, but how can we love others like we love ourselves?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Heart of a leader/believer: Reflecting Christ

In reflecting on leadership through reading about Peter I was stopped at Luke 5: 1-11

Here is when Simon Peter (also James and John) is called to follow Christ. I see two things happening: 1)We can emulate Peter's actions 2) Peter's actions reflect who Jesus is.

I) Peter reflects Jesus' Status.
Peter calls Jesus "Master." This term is used to respect one's role of leadership. We know that Peter has already seen Jesus in action through healing Simon Peter's Mother-in-law and secondly through the teachings Jesus just gave.

Question: Do we respect Jesus in His status? Jesus is our king. The one we Pledge allegiance to when we become a Christian. Do we respect His status? Even through the intensity of a carpenter telling fishermen to cast down their nets even though they worked hard ALL NIGHT and caught NOTHING!

II) Peter had Respect for Jesus' Words
Peter has already heard Jesus speak and seen His words at work when they healed his mother-in-law. When Jesus speaks, Peter listens.

Question: Do we listen to Jesus or ignore him when He speaks? Has God nudged your heart to pay attention to someone or to pray for anyone? It's time we listened. Maybe He is talking to you for the first time and calling you like He did Peter.

III)Peter Respected Jesus' Power
In fact When Peter saw the power of the miracle of fish he fell to Jesus' knees and called Him 'LORD,' respecting Jesus for His authority. Not only that, but when Peter saw this power it brought him to a point of repentance. Peter saw something divine about Jesus. Peter saw the difference in his own filthiness contrasted with Jesus' purity and power.

Question: Do we respect Jesus' power? When we encounter God in who He is, we are drawn to repentance. See Isaiah 6

IV) Total Abandonment
Peter, James and John were then called to abandon their entire life to follow Christ, even the catch of fish that was their wages for the months to come.

Question: Are we ready to abandon our lives for God's work? This doesn't necessarily mean our families and jobs, especially school. God needs lights in all of these places. But we must abandon whatever Christ asks, especially our lifestyles, to follow Him. see Luke 9:24

So in the end its obvious this is not just for leaders like Peter, but all Believers! We must all abandon our lives for Christ. The heart of a leader is actually the heart of a believer. The heart of a believer is to reflect Christ.

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Good Life

There are two kingdoms. The kingdom of the world and the kingdom of God. The world will tell you that life is about happiness and success will bring you that happiness. The problem is that when you succeed at a job, getting money, power, you always want more. The world's happy and good life is actually pretty empty.

Jesus talks about the kingdom of God as the most fortunate place to be. Being a part of the kingdom of God is "The Good Life." In the kingdom of God there are meek people who are poor in Spirit. They are mourners who hunger and thirst for righteousness. They are peacemakers, merciful with pure hearts who are persecuted because of another persons actions and righteousness.

This doesn't sound like the Good Life?!! Oh but it is.

Because these people inherit the Kingdom of God. It is theirs. In this kingdom the meek inherit the earth and the mourners are comforted. This is the kingdom where those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are filled. This is the place where the merciful are shown mercy and the pure in heart actually really SEE GOD! The peacemakers are adopted as the children of God!

SEE! Can you see how God's Kingdom is the most fortunate place to be?

Matthew 5:3-10
(Kudos to Dr. Wes Olmstead)
Check out

Trip to NB

I'm back and rockin! NB was awesome. Nadine met the family, I escorted my sister to prom and we visited a few awesome places. NB is great! This picture is Nadine and I at King's Landing! This is a historical village with live actors, real food, real animals, and 6 hours of fun. You may think I took children. Well. Some may call my 26 year old brother a child, but we had a blast. Check it out if you are in NB.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

To Know God Is to Die

Phillipians 3:10-11: "I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead"

What a verse! What does it mean to "know" Christ? Especially in "his sufferings" and sufferings"? Why would we want to "become like him in his death"? Didn't Jesus die so that I do not have to?

So many questions. What do you think?

Last time was about peace in suffering and about having Peace with God. But Christ's sufferings took away my sin why should I suffer? If this is our thinking (as it is mine) then our focus is WRONG!

The Christian walk is about knowing Christ in every way. Its about relating to God in however we must to know Him best. Christ resurrected from the dead, so I desire this too! Christ suffered, so to know Christ in this, we must suffer. Christ died so we must die (in a high voice)?

If we really desire to know God then we venture into this odd realm of rejecting our life to follow Christ. Check out Luke 9:22-24

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Peace In This World?

"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into his grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us" (Rom 5:1-5).

In pondering this scripture I cannot help but look at the world today and ask, "How can I rejoice in my suffering?" We see the phrase "FML" every time we turn around. REALLY? FML REALLY?

Innocent Smith was talking with his professor who declared that life would be better dead. Smith pointed a revolver at his head and said, "I wouldn't do this for just anybody but if you think so." The professor scrambled to his feet and attempted to back track on his words. Smith shot twice around his head. The professor was grateful that Smith spared his life. Apparently life WAS worth living.

FML? NO! Then how can we find peace in the junk that forces us to say FML? Look carefully at the first verse above. It begins by stating we have peace with God. It is because of this we can rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. When we have peace with God every other chaos lines up under that.

The question is this: Do you have peace with God? Pray to God. Talk with me. Let's find peace with God in this chaotic world.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Leeland A GO!

YC was an intense event. My ears were hurting and ringing and my feet were soaked. This is one of the bands that was featured, Leeland. As happy as the front guy looks, that is not a fake smile. After meeting them in a Q & A I witnessed the heart of these guys. The lead singer, whom the band is named after, is a soft red head from Texas. His love for scripture is evident in how he quotes it every prayer he makes. The guys know how to have a lot of fun and have songs full of rich theology and motivation for living the gospel with as the Hands and Feet of Jesus. The guys who came with me to YC know that these guys are one of my favourite and this event put them up in my books even higher. Definitely check them out.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Beginning

Welcome to my Blog. My goal is to provide frequent thoughts about life and God. I strive to wonder about both and see what you have to say and ask as well. I can't promise that I will answer all your Questions but I can promise to wonder with you as life progresses. Peace and Love for now!