The psalm begins with creation proclaiming the glory of God and then turns to the laws of the Lord being perfect, "reviving the soul." Next, David confesses his hidden faults and willful sins as well. Then this verse blows everything out of the water, "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Oh Lord, my rock, and my redeemer."
As I attempt to wake up each morning I also make a second attempt: to get focused. Our society pushes us to success and to "advance" in life. We are asked from a young age "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Of course this is an innocent question . . . until it becomes our obsession. I would like to answer this question, though, for all to hear. My answer is this:
PERFECT! That's right. I want to be perfect when I grow up. In Thessalonians 4 and 5 Paul redefines what God's will is for our lives or what our destiny or desires may be. Not once does it mention a where or a what, but a How. Its not where you live or what you become that is ultimately God's will for our lives, it is How we live it out. Being holy and sanctified is what matters. God's Spirit gives us this gift of holiness and sanctification. In other words, God makes us perfect in Him. Not perfect in our terms, but his. Complete in unity with God. So, one can be a plumber and still glorify God with his life, maybe better.
How can we let the Spirit do this in our lives???? Its really hard some may say. Here is some help from Colossians 4:2-6:
1) Be in Prayer
2)Be Watchful
3) Be Thankful
1) Be in Prayer because this is our direct connection with God. We must spent time with Him to be immersed in His Spirit.
2)Be Watchful in how to be God's light in a dark world. Serving others in Christ removes selfishness.
3) Be Thankful because a thankful heart is a soft heart, and God molds soft hearts. God can purify soft hearts but hard hearts He leaves alone.
So I end with this focus and Prayer as I enter this New Year: "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Oh Lord, my rock, and my redeemer!"
The giant mouth is a little wierd...