In reflecting on leadership through reading about Peter I was stopped at Luke 5: 1-11
Here is when Simon Peter (also James and John) is called to follow Christ. I see two things happening: 1)We can emulate Peter's actions 2) Peter's actions reflect who Jesus is.
I) Peter reflects Jesus' Status.
Peter calls Jesus "Master." This term is used to respect one's role of leadership. We know that Peter has already seen Jesus in action through healing Simon Peter's Mother-in-law and secondly through the teachings Jesus just gave.
Question: Do we respect Jesus in His status? Jesus is our king. The one we Pledge allegiance to when we become a Christian. Do we respect His status? Even through the intensity of a carpenter telling fishermen to cast down their nets even though they worked hard ALL NIGHT and caught NOTHING!
II) Peter had Respect for Jesus' Words
Peter has already heard Jesus speak and seen His words at work when they healed his mother-in-law. When Jesus speaks, Peter listens.
Question: Do we listen to Jesus or ignore him when He speaks? Has God nudged your heart to pay attention to someone or to pray for anyone? It's time we listened. Maybe He is talking to you for the first time and calling you like He did Peter.
III)Peter Respected Jesus' Power
In fact When Peter saw the power of the miracle of fish he fell to Jesus' knees and called Him 'LORD,' respecting Jesus for His authority. Not only that, but when Peter saw this power it brought him to a point of repentance. Peter saw something divine about Jesus. Peter saw the difference in his own filthiness contrasted with Jesus' purity and power.
Question: Do we respect Jesus' power? When we encounter God in who He is, we are drawn to repentance. See Isaiah 6
IV) Total Abandonment
Peter, James and John were then called to abandon their entire life to follow Christ, even the catch of fish that was their wages for the months to come.
Question: Are we ready to abandon our lives for God's work? This doesn't necessarily mean our families and jobs, especially school. God needs lights in all of these places. But we must abandon whatever Christ asks, especially our lifestyles, to follow Him. see Luke 9:24
So in the end its obvious this is not just for leaders like Peter, but all Believers! We must all abandon our lives for Christ. The heart of a leader is actually the heart of a believer. The heart of a believer is to reflect Christ.