Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Who Follows the Rules??????

Today I have a question for you: What are Rules and Regulations for?

1 Timothy 3 gives a intensely high standard for Overseers and Deacons for how they should live. But in the end, Paul says this, "Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great." He labels godliness as a mystery. Didn't he just give us a list of what godliness looks like?

What then are these rules for if they do not meet the standard of godliness?
AND, What is godliness?

Thursday, July 22, 2010


In the midst of struggles, the greatest developments are born.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Gospel for all (not just me)

We are selfish.

We live in a world where we strive to attain the best for me. The problem is we do not even see it. We call it individualism. I Rule my own world.

We bring that into our Christianity. Its all about how "I" need to hear the gospel and how "I" go to church to get something out of it. I know we are poor sharers, just look at 2 three year olds in a room along with one toy. We are taught to share at a young age, but somewhere we learn not to share once again.

Maybe its when we earn our "OWN" allowance. Maybe getting "MY OWN" room. Or "MY" car. Or "MY" money... It's simply a "MY" life.

So next time we go to church watch for this. Why are you going? Besides your parents telling you to go. Is it so you can get something out of it? What about sharing the gospel to each other?
How can we share the gospel with each other as the Church? Even at church!?

Luke 10:25-37
Jesus presents a response to two challenging question. The questions were: What must I do to inherit eternal life? and since the response is to Love God and love your neighbour the man asked "Who is my Neighbor?

Jesus responds with the parable of the Good Samaritan. A man was beaten, robbed and left to die on the side of the road. Both a priest and a levite(a man of priestly descent) walked by. It was the Samaritan (a half blood, no good for nothing)(a man who no one would expect to help) who gave more than a lending hand. He saw the man back to restoration. The story ends with Jesus pointing out that this man was a true neighbor.

Jesus bypassed the question ,"Who is my neighbor?" and answered What it meant to be a neighbor. Instead of simply saying everyone is your neighbor, Jesus speaks of a good neighbor who loves the person in need.

Jesus states that this is the most important command: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and 'Love your neighbor as yourself."

Of course you love yourself, but how can we love others like we love ourselves?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Heart of a leader/believer: Reflecting Christ

In reflecting on leadership through reading about Peter I was stopped at Luke 5: 1-11

Here is when Simon Peter (also James and John) is called to follow Christ. I see two things happening: 1)We can emulate Peter's actions 2) Peter's actions reflect who Jesus is.

I) Peter reflects Jesus' Status.
Peter calls Jesus "Master." This term is used to respect one's role of leadership. We know that Peter has already seen Jesus in action through healing Simon Peter's Mother-in-law and secondly through the teachings Jesus just gave.

Question: Do we respect Jesus in His status? Jesus is our king. The one we Pledge allegiance to when we become a Christian. Do we respect His status? Even through the intensity of a carpenter telling fishermen to cast down their nets even though they worked hard ALL NIGHT and caught NOTHING!

II) Peter had Respect for Jesus' Words
Peter has already heard Jesus speak and seen His words at work when they healed his mother-in-law. When Jesus speaks, Peter listens.

Question: Do we listen to Jesus or ignore him when He speaks? Has God nudged your heart to pay attention to someone or to pray for anyone? It's time we listened. Maybe He is talking to you for the first time and calling you like He did Peter.

III)Peter Respected Jesus' Power
In fact When Peter saw the power of the miracle of fish he fell to Jesus' knees and called Him 'LORD,' respecting Jesus for His authority. Not only that, but when Peter saw this power it brought him to a point of repentance. Peter saw something divine about Jesus. Peter saw the difference in his own filthiness contrasted with Jesus' purity and power.

Question: Do we respect Jesus' power? When we encounter God in who He is, we are drawn to repentance. See Isaiah 6

IV) Total Abandonment
Peter, James and John were then called to abandon their entire life to follow Christ, even the catch of fish that was their wages for the months to come.

Question: Are we ready to abandon our lives for God's work? This doesn't necessarily mean our families and jobs, especially school. God needs lights in all of these places. But we must abandon whatever Christ asks, especially our lifestyles, to follow Him. see Luke 9:24

So in the end its obvious this is not just for leaders like Peter, but all Believers! We must all abandon our lives for Christ. The heart of a leader is actually the heart of a believer. The heart of a believer is to reflect Christ.

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Good Life

There are two kingdoms. The kingdom of the world and the kingdom of God. The world will tell you that life is about happiness and success will bring you that happiness. The problem is that when you succeed at a job, getting money, power, you always want more. The world's happy and good life is actually pretty empty.

Jesus talks about the kingdom of God as the most fortunate place to be. Being a part of the kingdom of God is "The Good Life." In the kingdom of God there are meek people who are poor in Spirit. They are mourners who hunger and thirst for righteousness. They are peacemakers, merciful with pure hearts who are persecuted because of another persons actions and righteousness.

This doesn't sound like the Good Life?!! Oh but it is.

Because these people inherit the Kingdom of God. It is theirs. In this kingdom the meek inherit the earth and the mourners are comforted. This is the kingdom where those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are filled. This is the place where the merciful are shown mercy and the pure in heart actually really SEE GOD! The peacemakers are adopted as the children of God!

SEE! Can you see how God's Kingdom is the most fortunate place to be?

Matthew 5:3-10
(Kudos to Dr. Wes Olmstead)
Check out http://www.briercrest.ca/bcast/podcasts/files/Chapel0120.mp3

Trip to NB

I'm back and rockin! NB was awesome. Nadine met the family, I escorted my sister to prom and we visited a few awesome places. NB is great! This picture is Nadine and I at King's Landing! This is a historical village with live actors, real food, real animals, and 6 hours of fun. You may think I took children. Well. Some may call my 26 year old brother a child, but we had a blast. Check it out if you are in NB.